12 Tips For Losing Weight


With more than 30,000 diets out in the market place and with many of them contradicting each other…

It’s no wonder why you may be confused about who’s lying and who’s telling the truth.

When in doubt, I recommend using your common sense because losing weight isn’t rocket science and please don’t fall for all that hyped up garbage that so many companies are pushing.

While I may not know you personally, I believe that you’re intelligent, but you’re just not allowing yourself to trust you and putting all your faith into some fitness guru (I’m not saying that all of them are full of it)…

I’m just asking you to give yourself permission to use your natural instinct when taking fitness advice.

Well, enough of my rant.

Here are some basic tips for losing weight…

Tip 1: Stay away from all those fad diets.

Tip 2: Use common sense so that you don’t allow the makers of fad diets take advantage of you while you are in a vulnerable state of mind.

Tip 3: Research the history and reputation of the supplement companies that you plan on purchasing products from using Google and read the comments of past and present customers (don’t believe everything that you read and see).

Tip 4: Be realistic in your weight lost goals… Set a target of 2 to 10lbs per month for starters to get the momentum going.

Tip 5: Gradually replace simple carb foods such as white bread with complex carbohydrate alternatives such as whole wheat toast.

Tip 6: Gradually replace unhealthy fatty foods with healthy foods overtime so that you don’t set yourself up for failure by going cold turkey, because not many people are able to pull this off.

Tip 7: Gradually increase your water intake and reduce that of those fake sugary drinks that can pack on the pounds due to the increased consumption of empty calories.

Tip 8: Perform Resistance and Cardio training 3 times per week. Remember that resistance training burns more fat because the bigger and more muscles that you have, the more calories your body burns.

Tip 9: Try different types of workouts (Free-weights, Machines, Boot camps, and etc…) to find out what’s fun and enjoyable for you. If you enjoy the type of workouts that you do, you’re more likely to remain consistent long enough to start seeing the results of all of your hard work.

Tip 10: Set up a reward system for eating healthy and performing your exercise for the week (don’t go overboard here)!

Tip 11: Forget about all the hype and just get up and start exercising and gradually increase your intensity so that you don’t hurt yourself.

Tip 12: Supplement your diet with super high quality weight loss products that will work with your body and not against it. These types of supplements are known as bio-available.

In summary: You just discovered 12 Tips For Losing Weight.

Of course this article isn’t the end-all be-all to losing weight, but if you begin to apply this frame work, you’ll start dropping the pounds without all the complications.

You can make your fitness plan more complicated over time, but for now just start applying to get your momentum going!


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