Three Ways To Use A Treadmill For Weight Loss In 30 Days Or Less!

Weight gain is a growing problem for most of us as we age and move towards our golden years in life; especially when we hit our late 30’s as our metabolisms slows down.

Fortunately, however, you don’t have to suffer from weight gain once you learn ways to use the treadmill to lose weight.

That’s what you’ll learn about in this article.

Specifically, you’ll learn the three most fundamental ways to quickly lose weight on a treadmill without killing yourself.

I’ll also provide you with some quick tips on how to buy a treadmill.

And you’ll even discover a safe and secure place to checkout and purchase treadmills online no matter what your budget is.

So, without further introduction, let’s jump in with a quick discussion of those three ways on how to use a treadmill for weight loss!

Using Casual Walking On The Treadmill To Blast Those Pounds Off!

You may not think that a casual slow paced walk on your treadmill is enough to melt your unwanted body weight off. But I’m here to give you some great news and to tell you that you’re wrong in that assumption.

It works like this; the slower you walk, the longer you have to stay on the treadmill in order to burn off the necessary amount of calories it talks to get your body into its fat burning zone.

The faster you walk, the less time you have to spend on the treadmill in order to get your body into its fat burning zone.

That’s just simply how it works, which is all based upon intensity levels.

If you want to use casual walking to burn body fat, then you’ll have to spend more time on the treadmill, because you’re putting less effort over a longer period of time.

If you want to spend less time on your treadmill and be able to burn body fat, then you have to walk faster so that way, you are putting in more work into a shorter period of time.

With that said, let’s move into our next way that you can use your treadmill to lose weight…

Power Walking To Lose Weight On A Treadmill

You already understand the concept of putting more effort into a shorter period of time in order to get your body into its fat burning zone.

According to Wikipedia, Power walking or Speed walking is the act of walking with a speed at the upper end of the natural range for walking gait. To qualify as power walking as opposed to jogging or running, at least one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times. Power walking has been recommended as an alternative to jogging for a low-to-moderate exercise regime. At the upper range walking (power walking) and jogging are almost equally efficient, and the walking gait gives significantly less impact to the joints.

You can probably see that it’s very clear that power walking is a great alternative to jogging in terms of burning off your unwanted pounds.

You are simply limiting your walking level of intensity just shy of jogging, but the end result is less jarring of your leg joints, while still getting the fat burning benefits of running.

How cool is that?

Let’s jump into the third way of using your treadmill to melt those ugly pounds off because you deserve it…

Jogging Your Way To Treadmill Weight Loss

Isn’t it phenomenal that you can burn just as many calories power walking as you do jogging?

However, if you want to step your game up a few notches, then get on your treadmill and jog away!

I will not complicate this…

While jogging will allow you to burn more fat than both Casual or Power Walking, it’s also the most demanding on your leg joints (i.e. ankles, knees, hips) due to the harder impact.

Depending upon where you are in your level of fitness, approach jogging on a treadmill with caution especially if you’ve had leg joint issues in the past.

As usual, always consult with your doctor.

TIP 1: The best way to keep your knees healthy is by doing Leg Extensions on a machine.

TIP 2: The best way to keep your leg joints healthy is by stretching.

Points To Keep In Mind While Buying A Treadmill:

  • Narrow it down to the top 3 treadmills that interest you the most.
  • Make sure there are at least 50 plus positive reviews with a rating of at least 4.0.
  • Check the warranty length of the treadmill.
  • Make sure that the warranty is for the whole treadmill including the motor, which is the main part in the treadmill (This is not a complete deal breaker, but at minimum the motor should be under warranty).
  • The walking surface should be wide enough for you to walk and run and you should not feel uncomfortable.
  • Check the weight limit of the treadmill.
  • If possible, the treadmill will have built-in shock absorbers.
  • Should be safe and have an emergency stop mechanism.

Do any of the following benefits of losing weight on a treadmill apply to you?

  • Feel better
  • Look better in your clothes
  • Impress your friends
  • Avoid the “fat” jokes
  • Have more energy
  • Future bride who was able to lose weight before the wedding
  • The new mom that has lost all the baby weight
  • The middle-aged person who is successfully keeping off extra weight
  • Just plain feel sexy overall
  • And it doesn’t stop! LOL

To that end, let’s quickly recap what you learned in this brief article:

  • You learned the three most fundamental ways to quickly lose weight on a treadmill without killing yourself. And that means you can now go and hop on your treadmill and based upon your fitness level, choose to go on a Casual or Power Walk, or step it up by Jogging right in the comforts of your own home.
  • You discovered a few tips to keep in mind when buying a treadmill.  


If You’re Interested In Losing Weight Naturally, Safely, And Right From The Comforts Of Your Own Home, Then Click Here To Check Out Some Of The Treadmills Others Have Purchased And Are Having Weight Loss Success With!