Are Exercise Bikes Good For Weight Loss

Are exercise bikes good for weight loss?


You may be thinking to yourself, is this a trick question?


It’s not a trick question and believe it or not there are a lot of weight loss enthusiasts who ask.


I personally love a good stationary bike workout to warm up my body especially right before my resistance training as this help to prevent injuries and gets my metabolism going so that I can begin burning calories.


After I step off of the exercise bike, I am pumped beyond belief with so much momentum and drive; I blast right through my weight training routine.


Now to answer the big question…


Exercise bikes are a good way of burning extra calories and melting the fat right off of your body. They are great for cardio vascular workouts and can help you develop nice strong and shapely muscular legs. Conventional outdoor cycling or biking is a very good form of exercising, as it tones up your entire body.


Exercise bikes are equally good for providing a close equivalent in terms of results. Right in the comfort of your home, you can easily work out at any time of the day. Most of the exercise bikes available in the marketplace have a control panel as well as a range of resistance levels. In this way it’s beneficial to both the beginner as well as the advanced user.


Although some personal trainers at some of the fitness clubs may disagree with me, it is imperative to note that even low intensity workouts on the stationary bike can produce health benefits and be less likely to produce injury. The inactive population is often led to believe that there must be sore muscles and a lot of agony associated with their daily workouts, but that isn’t so!

The Biggest Reason Why Exercise Bikes Are Good For Weight Loss

Like with any piece of cardio equipment, a stationary bike workout jump starts your metabolism big time!

Did you know that you can burn up to 300 plus calories by riding at a moderate speed for 30 minutes?

Of course, everyone burns calories at different rates, so that number is just a rough ball park figure based upon a person that weighs about 200 pounds.

Regardless of the specifics, I think that burning 300 calories in 30 minutes is a phenomenal return on your cardio efforts.

Don’t you?

Think about it…

Let’s say that you double the time to 60 minutes, you could potentially burn 600 calories!

I think that’s pretty exciting!

If you were to commit to at least 30 minutes per day, 3 days per week, you could burn an extra 900 calories.

Remember, there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat.

If you incorporate some resistance training into your weekly workout routine, you’d burn even more calories.

Your resistance training, if done properly and effectively doesn’t have to be any longer than 20 minutes three to four times per week performed either after your stationary bike cardio workouts or on a different day.

Are you noticing that I’m not talking about spending several hours per day working out, hours that you may not have available due to all of the other daily tasks that robs you of your precious time?

You’d be surprise how you could transform your body without killing yourself to do so, just be incorporating an effective stationary bike workout into your weekly routine.

If you are consistent, you can begin seeing noticeable weight loss results in a little as 2 to 3 weeks.

I’m not one to hype things up.

Imagine if you will for a moment, losing 10, 20, or even 30 pounds in the next 30 to 60 days…

How would your life change for the better?

Wouldn’t your self-esteem, confidence, outlook on life, and love for yourself skyrocket?

You bet they would!

It would be awesome to have your family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers pay you compliments on your well-deserved transformation…

Wouldn’t it?

This is not hype, and can become your reality all with a little consistency of combining a good stationary bike workout with resistance training a few days per week and it doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that…

You don’t need to waste your time, energy, money, hopes and dreams on the latest fad diet or exercise contraption that promises extreme weight loss…

Just keep it simple by applying what we know works for losing weight.

I hope that you found this article helpful!


If You’re Interested In Losing Weight Naturally, Safely, And Right From The Comforts Of Your Own Home, Then Click Here To Check Out Some Of The Exercise Bikes Others Have Purchased And Are Having Weight Loss Success With!